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I have used Hans van Staveren's superb public domain dealer.exe program to estimate rough Weak Two hand type frequencies. To simpify I have used a common base range of 6-10 points. Clearly in tournament practice a shapely 6520 hand might require less than an stolid Ekren 4432, but there you are! Dropping the points requirement in to account for this would make the type less common. All these shapes are most common around 10 h.c.p

Rather than estimate for {eg} all the Muiderberg 5-4 major-minor possibilities I have gone for a single S/C type and multiplied up for the four permutations in the group.

No of
8+ card
fit freq.
note 6 card weak two
including 7222
excluding other maj
Pure 5-4 2-suiter
.. add say half the
5-5 types below
Loose preempts
With 5-6 cards
excluding 5332
or both majors
5-5 two suiters
as in Tartan twos
5-5 two suiters
as in Wilkosz 2
(all except C/D)
Ekren as a
pure 4-4
Ekren as a
5-4 or better
as per EBU 2D
2.6%one 2.6%78%
Overall Ekren
4-4 or better
in the majors
4.8%one4.8% 66%

Here is an old DOS printout demonstrating
the dealer.exe parameters and output

# My 6 card weak 2S includes the rather feeble 7222 shape 
#  but excludes 4+ hearts  Voids are OK  Base points 6-10

weak2s = shape(north, 6xxx + 7222 - 64xx - 65xx - 66xx - 6700) 
         and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10   
fit    = spades(north)+spades(south) 
condition weak2s  
  frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10), 
  frequency "fit" (fit, 6, 13)
Frequency points: Frequency fit: ...  
6       2329      6     637    11      387 
7       2900      7     3005   12      50  
8       3233      8     5113   13      0 
9       3408      9     4354   
10      3563      10    1887 
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 15433.

# Muiderberg (Woo/Dutch two) is 5+major 4+minor 

muiderberg = shape(north, 5xx4 - 5404)
              and  hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10 
spadefit   = spades(north)+spades(south) >= 8 
clubfit    = clubs(north)+clubs(south) >= 8 
fit        = clubfit or spadefit
condition muiderberg 
  frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10), 
  average "spade fit" spadefit, 
  average "club fit" clubfit,   
  average "black fit" fit 
Frequency points: 
6       1268    spade fit: 0.545486  
7       1665     club fit: 0.336132 
8       1783    black fit: 0.74376   
9       1964 
10      1894   
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 8574. 

# Estimate stats for specific 55 hand for Tartan Twos, 
# Muiderberg extensions and for the Polish 2D 

tartan   = shape(north, 5xx5 + 6xx5 + 5xx6 + 6xx6 +6007 +7006) 
           and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10 
spadefit = spades(north)+spades(south) >= 8   
clubfit  = clubs(north)+clubs(south) >= 8 
fit      = clubfit or spadefit  
condition tartan 
  action  frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10), 
  average "spade fit" spadefit, 
  average "club fit" clubfit,   
  average "black fit" fit 
Frequency points:  
6        563    spade fit: 0.57487   
7        738     club fit: 0.582124 
8        875    black fit: 0.861658  
9        840 
10       844   
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 3860. 
# The Ekren base type is 4-4 in the majors
ekren    = shape(north, 44xx) and 
           hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10  
heartfit = hearts(north) + hearts(south) >= 8 
spadefit = spades(north) + spades(south) >= 8
fit      = heartfit or spadefit 
condition ekren
  frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10), 
  average "major fit" fit   
Frequency points:  
 6       3486    major fit: 0.595748 
 7       4239  
 8       4645 
 9       4802  
10       4886 
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 22058. 
# 'Safe' Ekren demands a 5 card suit 
ekren5   = shape(north, 45xx 54xx 55xx 64xx 46xx 65xx 56xx)  
           and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10 
heartfit = hearts(north) + hearts(south) >= 8
spadefit = spades(north) + spades(south) >= 8 
fit      = heartfit or spadefit
condition ekren5 
  frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10), 
  average "major fit" fit 
Frequency points: 
6       4150    major fit: 0.779127  
7       4974 
8       5516   
9       5844 
10      5943   
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 26427. 

dealer.exe can be downloaded free in several formats from Henk Uiterwaal's reference site. It deals and analyses about 70,000 hands per second under DOS/486, or faster in an XP DOS window. I ran a million deals for each type and these results are typical. If you run the Monte Carlo simulation repeatedly you will get about 5% variance in these frequencies.

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