# My 6 card weak 2S includes the rather feeble 7222 shape
# but excludes 4+ hearts Voids are OK Base points 6-10
weak2s = shape(north, 6xxx + 7222 - 64xx - 65xx - 66xx - 6700)
and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10
fit = spades(north)+spades(south)
condition weak2s
frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10),
frequency "fit" (fit, 6, 13)
Frequency points: Frequency fit: ...
6 2329 6 637 11 387
7 2900 7 3005 12 50
8 3233 8 5113 13 0
9 3408 9 4354
10 3563 10 1887
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 15433.
# Muiderberg (Woo/Dutch two) is 5+major 4+minor
muiderberg = shape(north, 5xx4 - 5404)
and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10
spadefit = spades(north)+spades(south) >= 8
clubfit = clubs(north)+clubs(south) >= 8
fit = clubfit or spadefit
condition muiderberg
frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10),
average "spade fit" spadefit,
average "club fit" clubfit,
average "black fit" fit
Frequency points:
6 1268 spade fit: 0.545486
7 1665 club fit: 0.336132
8 1783 black fit: 0.74376
9 1964
10 1894
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 8574.
# Estimate stats for specific 55 hand for Tartan Twos,
# Muiderberg extensions and for the Polish 2D
tartan = shape(north, 5xx5 + 6xx5 + 5xx6 + 6xx6 +6007 +7006)
and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10
spadefit = spades(north)+spades(south) >= 8
clubfit = clubs(north)+clubs(south) >= 8
fit = clubfit or spadefit
condition tartan
action frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10),
average "spade fit" spadefit,
average "club fit" clubfit,
average "black fit" fit
Frequency points:
6 563 spade fit: 0.57487
7 738 club fit: 0.582124
8 875 black fit: 0.861658
9 840
10 844
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 3860.
# The Ekren base type is 4-4 in the majors
ekren = shape(north, 44xx) and
hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10
heartfit = hearts(north) + hearts(south) >= 8
spadefit = spades(north) + spades(south) >= 8
fit = heartfit or spadefit
condition ekren
frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10),
average "major fit" fit
Frequency points:
6 3486 major fit: 0.595748
7 4239
8 4645
9 4802
10 4886
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 22058.
# 'Safe' Ekren demands a 5 card suit
ekren5 = shape(north, 45xx 54xx 55xx 64xx 46xx 65xx 56xx)
and hcp(north) >= 6 and hcp(north) <= 10
heartfit = hearts(north) + hearts(south) >= 8
spadefit = spades(north) + spades(south) >= 8
fit = heartfit or spadefit
condition ekren5
frequency "points" (hcp(north), 6, 10),
average "major fit" fit
Frequency points:
6 4150 major fit: 0.779127
7 4974
8 5516
9 5844
10 5943
Generated 1000000 hands, produced 26427.